Our points record is here to stay – Rulani

Mokwena crowns himself coach of the season after Stellies win

Neville Khoza Journalist
Lesiba Nku of Downs, right, celebrates with Peter Shalulile after scoring against Stellies.
Lesiba Nku of Downs, right, celebrates with Peter Shalulile after scoring against Stellies.
Image: Nic Bothma/BackpagePix

After they reached 72 points to set a new points tally for the DStv Premiership, Mamelodi Sundowns coach Rulani Mokwena feels their new mark will be there for some time.

Sundowns beat Stellenbosch 0-1 at Athlone Stadium on Saturday with a goal from Lesiba Nku to move to 72 points with two matches remaining. That saw them beat the previous record of 71 points that was achieved in the 2015/16 season under former coach Pitso Mosimane.

Mokwena gave compliment to his players, saying it was not easy to achieve their feat.

"I will steal one of Jurgen Klopp's [Liverpool coach] quotes when he said it doesn't matter what people think of you when you arrive. What matters is what people think about you when you leave," Mokwena told the media during the post-match press conference.

"And I think about how I feel about the record points. Maybe that's the reflection that will take place the day I leave Mamelodi Sundowns, which is still very far away.

"So, I don't think it is something I have thought about at the moment. It has not sunk into my brain. But it is a huge compliment to this special group of players. It is something that is not easy to do. And it will be difficult to outdo even in future."

Sundowns remained unbeaten and have two games left against TS Galaxy tomorrow at Mbombela Stadium and Cape Town City on Saturday at Loftus Versfeld Stadium to achieve another target of finishing the season undefeated.

With all the achievements, Mokwena also feels he deserves to walk away with the Coach of the Season award. "The coach of the season will be me. I think the coach of the season should be the coach that wins the league," he said.

"But I can't ignore the work coach Steve Barker has done. He deserves incredible plaudits for the work he had done at Stellenbosch and many other colleagues.

"Jose Riveiro at Orlando Pirates has done some good work, but without sounding arrogant, the coach of the season, in my opinion, would be me for sure and I have no doubts about that."

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