How to pick a good sheet mask

Image: Avemario/123RF

People are learning to inject a bit of self-care into their lives, which goes a long way if you want to navigate this decade semi-sane.

Thankfully, the booming wellness industry is coming to our aid with an abundance of self-care tools.

From sensorial skincare to at-home treatments, the art of self-care is becoming more holistic so that every avenue of your lifestyle feeds into an overall sense of wellbeing.

One easy way to self-care and gain healthy skin, is the use of sheet masks. With an array on offer, here is our guide on picking one that is good for you.


Choosing a sheet mask involves a bit of trial and error but it’s important to find one that won’t cause discomfort or disturb your me-time.

Not all sheet masks are the same — if you know exactly what to look for while testing them out, you will find the perfect one for you.

1. The Fit

Sheet masks usually have a one-size-fits-all approach in terms of the facial cut-outs in the mask, but it’s important to check that the fit around the eyes, mouth and nose is comfortable. You should be able to line up your features easily into the holes and not feel like you cannot move your mouth or eyes with ease.

2. The Material

Some may neglect this aspect but the type of material used to make the sheet mask is vital as it determines how snugly it fits around the contours of the face such as the jawline, forehead, and nose.

3. The Serum

 Of course, the formula is important for the efficacy of the mask, but you don’t want the mask to be too drenched. It ends up sliding off your face because your skin is saturated and cannot absorb any further. You want the material to feel drenched but still have a slight grip to it.

This article first appeared in the March 2020 print edition of S Mag. The Sowetan’s quarterly lifestyle magazine.